Andrea Corradi

“GODSPEED” by Andrea Corradi, hosted at the hello yellow Velodrom by Schachermayer, is a sound art performance that explores the Doppler shift. Using a bike equipped with speakers, it creates real-time harmonic shifts, demonstrating how motion alters sound perception. “GODSPEED” transforms the space into a dynamic auditory environment. As the bike moves, the pitch of the sound waves changes, offering a live experience of the Doppler effect, blending science and art in a unique sensory performance.

Thu 5 & Fri 6 September 2024, 7 pm @ hello yellow Velodrom by Schachermayer, Prinz-Eugen-Straße 30

Concept: Andrea Corradi & Zuzanna Beker
Composition: Emma Tripaldi
Biker: Andreas Liska
Location: Velodrom Linz – Verein für Sport und Kultur, Schachermayer GmbH, Johannes Staudinger
Logo Design: Till Schönwetter, Sofia Talanti, Emma Tripaldi, Riccardo Concu
Speaker system: Jaskaran Anand
Test: Daniel Stimmeder
Photo & Video: Violet, Thomas Philipp, Andrea Corradi 

Supported by qujOchÖ

Andrea Corradi, a multimedia artist pursuing his Master’s at Interface Cultures, blends computer music with real-time composition. His research delves into human-computer interaction and sound spatialization, collaborating on compositions, installations, and web projects. He’s currently exploring audiovisual realms, emphasizing rhythmic and geometric patterns through code-based work.

Artist website

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