Création Nocturne

Maria Konstantinova

A mystical ceremony is conducted to honor and nurture a rare species, Création, blooming for just a single night.

“Création Nocturne” is a participatory performance that invites visitors to study and reflect on the causes of existential terror-induced insomnia through collective meditation. Developed within the framework of Focus Oriented Art Therapy (FOAT), it explores the potential of interactive art in psychological practices.

In collaboration with RedSapata, Sonnenstein Loft.

Co-author: Minju Jeong (KR)

Technical Assistance: Gabriel  Eckerstberger(AT)

Maria Konstantinova is a creative storyteller with a background in illustration, animation, graphic design and cinematography. Her experience covers social media content creation, animation, television and film production. She is currently exploring the potential of the integration of Interactive art into Art Therapy, focusing on Mindfulness-Based Art Therapy methodologies. She is passionate about the performative aspect of art and engagement of visitors in interactive role-playing experiences.

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