Is it only an electromagnetic field or is it a glimpse into the sixth and seventh senses of humans, defined by the biochemist and researcher Ruppert Sheldrake. You can explore the range and intensity of your own electromagnetic field by interacting with the “ARTeFACT” installation. Via your electrical impulses you can influence and design a unique digital color formation. Are humans able to influence the magnetic field of other beings as well?

Member of International BCI Society Brussels
Erika incorporates awareness regarding mental processes when using biometric technologies. Thereby, her main emphasis in the last 15 years has been on the use of brain-data. Erika is a certified mental trainer and biometric art-based researcher, her focus is on the reciprocity of mental and physical processes, biometric data, and their manifestations in artistic scenarios guided by the question: What does it mean to “BE” a body? She develops physically transformative brain (organ) machine interaction methods based on neuroscience, art, and cultural studies. Studies: Fine Art, London Institute, Camberwell University of Arts and Central St. Martins University of Arts London (GB), Philosophy Cultural Studies, at the Johannes Kepler University Linz (AT) Transmedia-Spatial Art, University of Art and Design Linz (AT), Sculpture Art in Marseille, Aix-Marseille Université (F), PhD research at Media Arts, University Linz (AT)