“Gnop Gnop Man” is an interactive artwork with a ceramic bubble fountain shaped like a shell. Viewers can create or burst bubbles. The title is based on an offensive term used in South Korea. “Pong Pong” is a popular dish soap brand, and “Pong Pong Nam” refers to a man who helps with household chores, like washing dishes. This artwork playfully highlights how some Korean men fear that doing housework will weaken their authority, showing the problems with these outdated views on masculinity.

Younggon Kim studied ceramics at Kyunghee University in South Korea. She discovered her interest in sculpture during her residency in Japan, which led her to study at the University of Arts Linz. She explores the relationship between individuals and society, focusing on themes like Korean gender issues, language, and communication. She mainly works with ceramic-based sculpture but enjoys experimenting with different materials and styles since moving to Europe.

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