Gummy bears are artificial objects designed in vivid colors, with bright smells to generate an assumption of ongoing fun.

In Catfeet, the famous candy is taken out of its consumption context and instead transformed into a material that provides a variety of patterns. Furthermore, it has a complex relationship with light where it reflects, reacts transparently or even changes color.

The main character, a naive, mysterious cat, faces the struggle of aimlessly falling into the unknown.

Exhibition view:

Image by Violetta Wakolbinger

Media Artist Maryam Ibrahim claims to have more ideas then every future gene manipulated-super-chicken can ever lay in a day. With a background in analogue street photography, her work is based on visual narratives depicting her observations in a unique dynamic slightly cheeky slightly charming, sometimes obscene or even absurd manner. Her media varies from documentaries to experimental movies still images as well as animations.

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