everything beautiful and everything dead

Isabel Schulz

This animated short aims to experiment with an abstract way of storytelling–reminiscent of poetry–in animation.

In the story we are transported to a foreign, drab world made up only of grayscales, where its inhabitants strive for a way to turn their world colorful. They experience their biggest breakthrough–colorizing organic matter–but absorbed by excitement, they never stop to think about the consequences this endeavor might have on their world and themselves.

Isabel Schulz, born in 1999, is a media artist and illustrator currently living and working in Linz. She participated in the Kunstuni Campus 2023 with her work “Creative Differences” on the topic of AI-generated art and in the NextComicFestival 2021, exhibiting Augmented Comics.

Her work focuses on socially critical issues, aiming to unravel complex topics and present them visually to make them more accessible to the audience.

Artist website

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