Since the beginning of time, man has sought to understand and the forces shaping the surrounding world. The advance of technology has the biggest impact on the future of the environment and various species, resulting in radical changes. “Exoskin” is an art project inspired by the realm of augmented sensations. Its main goal is to explore unconscious feelings and connections towards body prostheses and human + machine interaction with a focus on intimacy and eroticism.
Balázs Ágoston Kiss

Kiss Balázs Ágoston (1998, Budapest, Hungary) artist and student whose works are based on experimentation and speculation. His creations, which exist at the intersection of the virtual and physical world, push the limits of existing physical forms and structural systems.
As a multidisclipinary artist he is investigating the new era of digitalism and its impact on society in the age of anthropocene.
He started his BA studies Moholy-Nagy University of Art and Design Budapest in Jewelry design and is currently switching to Digital Craft degree program. Alongside working on personal projects and running his own brand AGOSTON BALAZS.