A phase space is a diagram that defines all possibilities within a system. “HyperHuman”, composed of a phase space diagram, exists through the dark possibilities of our personalities, drawing from our losses within the systems we create and inhabit. By digitalizing extreme individuality, “HyperHuman” survives, mirroring our undefined forms through phase space visualization. This exhibition reflects our complex identities, capturing the essence and enigmatic facets of human nature.

Vildan Dülgeroglu (b. 1995) earned her bachelor’s degree in sculpture from Anadolu University and explores perception and space in her art. She is pursuing a master’s degree in Time-Based Media at Kunstuniversität and continues her artistic creation in Linz.
Güney Tombak (b. 1996) obtained his bachelor’s degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering and Physics from Bogazici University and is currently pursuing a PhD in Computer Vision/Biomedical Image Analysis at ETH Zürich.