Im Lot

Noah Berger, Josef Hamberger, Emilia Vogt

“Im Lot” was originally an installation by Josef Hamberger, featuring hundreds of sheets marked by Rosa Still, an Alzheimer’s patient. Rosa, now deceased, wrote nearly all her thoughts, from basic needs like “I’m hungry” to expressions of her fear of death. In the performance, collaborat-ing artist Emilia Vogt will scan these sheets to preserve them. The scans will be displayed visually and made audible throughout the performance.

Noah Berger (Noayama) is an artist and musician signed to the legendary Viennese label Affine Records, active in various creative fields. He is often associated with a punk, ‘f***-it’ approach to his artistic work, at least as described by the media. While this might have been true for his art until now, judging by his new works, one should not be so sure if it still maintains that ‘punk and f***-it all’ attitude, as Noayama’s work is frequently praised for its element of surprise.

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