Leonardo LASER Linz

Fabricio Lamoncha, Christa Sommerer

Scientific revolutions lie not only in discoveries but also in changes in their practices, goals, protocols and evaluation methods. The laboratory, originally dedicated to scientific work and characterized by rigor and dedication to experimentation, now resonates across disciplines, promoting creativity and collaboration. Through our guests’ experiences and songs, we will explore the laboratory as a heterotopic space capable of generating new agendas and structures for collective creation.

Hosts: Fabricio Lamoncha (ES) & Christa Sommerer (AT)

Fabricio Lamoncha is an artist, researcher and curator. BA in Art and Architecture and MA in Stage Design and Interface Cultures. Currently PhD researcher and lecturer at the University of Arts Linz and the Art|Sci Center, UCLA. His practice explores the entanglements of media ecology and bioethics. His work has been exhibited internationally and awarded the Art and Artificial Life International Award Vida14. In 2021 he co-founded the Leonardo Laser Talks Linz together with Prof. Christa Sommerer.

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