Magical Maybe

Irene Ballesteros Alcaín

Magical maybe is an installation that explores the relation between social media and the dopamine driven feedback. Dopamine is created in several parts of the brain and is crucial for brain functions. The increase of dopamine by social media provokes a peak of the neuro-chemical that quickly disappears. These emotions become overwhelming to the addict, characterised for an overreaction to stimuli, social isolation, and manic episodes. The spectator will be able to reflect on their own behaviour in social media environments and how our behaviour, political thoughts, consumer choices, are mediated by the use of social media platforms.

Exhibition view:

Images by Violetta Wakolbinger

(Seville, 1993). BA in Fine Arts. MA in Sceno­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­graphy. PhD in Fine Arts, with a thesis on iden­tity crisis and its expression in contemporary portrait painting. Co-Author of the book El proceso en el arte. Arte procesual: instalación, land-art y performance (Process in art. Processual art: installation, land-art and performance), with Catalina Ruiz Mollá (Dykinson, 2023). Artist and researcher specialised on identity matters and their expression through different media in Contemporary Art. Faculty member of the University of Seville since 2020, currently employed at the Department of Sculpture and Art History.

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