
Marco Mrcela, Maximilian Kanzler, Verena Langthaler

Nexus explores the subtle and often overlooked connections between the opposites and contradictions that shape our world. The combination of music and audio-reactive visuals creates an immersive experience that invites viewers to navigate the spaces between digital and analog, dialog and discourse, sound and silence, and light and darkness. The audio-visual project strives to connect extremes, bridge differences and discover the beauty in the connections between the poles.

Verena Langthaler is an artist and designer based in Linz, Austria. She focuses on social and environmental developments and trends that shape our lives today and in the future. She constantly questions conventional systems and explores the potential of innovative technologies in her creative process.

Marco Mrcela started playing drums and percussions at a very young age and his desire to be a musician led him to Linz. Experimentation and improvisation are the core of his artistic works.

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