
Aleksandar Murkovic

This project is about taboos, fetishes and fun. By focusing aesthetic value around objects, I hope to construct a kind of unreal beauty, combining surreal elements in digital space.

I created this short using Blender 3D software. Bathrooms are intimate and safe spaces traditionally hidden in Western society. This aspect enhances the film’s playful depiction of and fascination with urine, creating an absurd graphic interpretation of bodily fluids and ceramic objects.

My name is Aleksandar Murkovic and I am studying at the University of Arts Linz. I am pursuing a master’s degree in Textile, Art & Design, and Fashion & Technology. My work leans towards fine arts, blending digital media, critical thinking, unconventional material development, and analog crafts. My concepts explore society, everyday experiences and objects, animal ethics, and philosophy—conceptually driven. In my work, I like to use packaging materials, glues, and a mix of hidden and obvious elements.

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