Plastic Flowers

Armin Alian

“Plastic Flowers” is an audio-visual installation about personal narrative, cultural symbolism and societal dynamics through the lens of an Iranian artist in Austria. Reflecting the rich pictorial and literary history of flowers in Iranian culture, this experimental biography delves into the shifting cultural meanings in both the artist’s journey and the broader societal context. The project displays scenes of family gatherings and parties in Iran as well as people’s everyday life in Austria.

Exhibition view:

Image by Violetta Wakolbinger

Armin Alian is a contemporary artist born in 1993 in Mashhad, Iran. Holding a Bachelor of Painting from the Art University of Tehran (2018) and currently pursuing a painting diploma at the University of Arts Linz. With a primary focus on painting, Alian extends his artistic reach through mediums such as videos, public art, artist books, and installations. His work delves into the exploration of contemporary imagery, with a particular emphasis on themes such as social media, politics, and identity. Alian lives and works in Linz, Austria.

Artist website

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