Lia Larrea

“Pulmonaut explores” the intersection between technology and design through the science of breathing and the art of glassblowing in a sculptural fashion context. As astronauts explore the depths of space, pulmonauts explore the depths of their breath.

Hand-crafted, wearable glass instruments aim to visualize breathing techniques as a shaping technology and universal language while co-creating with Linz-based glassblower, Günther Mausz, to amplify craftsmanship as an art of our future.

Lia Larrea is an Ecuadorian-American multi-media artist exploring the intersection of technology and art through digital and analogue techniques for fashion design. Her artistic process aims to visualize breathing technology through the art of scientific glass-blowing. Lia is currently creating wearable glass instruments as part of the Master’s programme at the University of Arts Linz, and is an adjunct professor at the Academy of Art University in San Francisco, California.

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