silent dancefloor

Noel Fischer

Where is the collective healing process?

The more privileged ones need to look more beyond the spectacle.

Especially now that “the scene” is exposed to so much hype.

It is not just the real-estate market that is gentrifying the dance floor.

Gentrification also comes from within the club.

We as a potential community must be aware of that.

This all could be so much more caring.

I was born in the small city Rosenheim where rave-culture was the only possibillity for me to encounter a queer and artistic subculture. Being part of this subculture played a big role in my teenage years. But with the time, more and more bad stuff happened or became more visible for me. The pandemic and moving to Linz allowed me to gain a more distanced view on my experiences. Since then rave-culture seems to be a big bleeding construction side for me.

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