
Jacobo Sabogal Sierra, Carmen Pérez García

The project focuses on the tardigrade, a tiny extreme phylum organism capable of withstanding extreme temperatures, vacuum, space radiation and entering cryptobiosis, halting its metabolism for over a hundred years in adverse conditions. This analysis of the tardi­grade is presented as a hopeful goal in the current environmental crisis, highlighting the crucial role of technology in understanding our environment and in relating to other forms of life.

Carmen Pérez García and Jacobo Sabogal, Fine Arts graduates and students of the Master in Art: Idea and Production at the University of Seville. Jacobo focuses on exploring the contemporary vision of nature, centring his study on biodiversity as a unifying element. His work draws on biology, ecology and natural history to investigate the human relationship with the environment and its conservation. Carmen focuses her work on recounting hu­man experiences through the sub­­­­­­con­scious, influenced by classical surrealism and post­modernism, fusing different languages. Starting from the intuitive, she focuses on the study of human emotions and their diverse expressions.

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