Trans Voices

Sookie-Celeste Simair

“Trans Voices” aims to raise awareness of the diversity of trans- and gender-non-conforming people, who often hold back their voices for fear of discrimination.

In interviews with three trans people, emotions are analyzed by AI and used to change the surface of a 3D object. The object alternates between organic shapes and sharp, crystalline structures. The animation reflects the emotions of the interviews; selected images are used for cyanotypes; and jacquard fabrics are implemented to create a clothing collection.

SookieCeleste Simair is a Queer Artist and Fashion Student from Austria. Her artistic style draws from dark art, surrealism, and melancholic themes. These elements serve as a means for her to navigate and process experiences of stress and trauma. Her artistic process is driven by a desire for clarity and understanding, with each piece acting as a step towards decoding complex emotions, transforming them from overwhelming to comprehensible. This approach is also reflected in her fashion and music projects, which are often influenced by voices from the queer community.

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