“What Awaits Out There?“ invites viewers on a journey into the unknown. The work consists of a painting and an accompanying sound installation. The painting explores the beauty of a future world, still open and uncertain to us humans. The sound represents the here and now – the concrete human experiences in the moment. Capturing everyday dialogs, it encourages viewers to reflect on their own perception. Together, both elements combine the indefinite future and the specific “here and now“.

Exhibition view:

Image by Violetta Wakolbinger

Sharon Nesyt was born in Munich, Germany, in 1999. After graduating from high school in 2018, she completed a 3-year training program as a communication designer at Designschule München. She then moved to Linz to deepen her knowledge of graphic design in the Meisterklasse für Kommunikationsdesign at HTL1 Bau und Design Linz. After successfully graduating from the program, she applied to the University of Arts Linz for a Bachelor’s in Time-Based and Interactive Media and is now in her second semester.

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