Gerald Brandstätter

We are producing, consuming and disposing at an ever-increasing rate. The WHY ARE WE SO RUDE? collection addresses this concern, seeking alternative resource management strategies. Inspired by a possible post-plastic world, vibrant garments tell the story of a different society. Wasteful production processes are replaced by a closed-loop material cycle based on cellulose fibers. Natural binders such as alginate and methylcellulose enable transformation into colorful, rich-textured textiles.

Photo: Eric Asamoah

After becoming a pre-press technician, I switched to media design and gained experience in digital media at various agencies. In 2021 I completed a programme in sustainable fashion at the Hallein School of Fashion. To continue learning, in 2021 I started studying “Fashion & Technology” at the University of Arts Linz, where the interaction with teachers and peers fosters a unique artistic growth. Here I have the opportunity to fully explore my creativity in design and fashion.

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