Cultural Reorganization

Zhou Yinglin

Cultural Reorganization is a textual-video piece based on her research on cultural issues. Described as a fictional narrative, it falls under her concept of cultural futurism. The narrative envisions an experiment of Earth’s civilization reorganization after human extinction, exploring cultural relativism, inclusivity, diversity and addressing issues like cultural hegemony and homogenization. Zhou proposes unique ideas on cultural evolution, its methods and cultural empowerment.

ZHOU Yinglin is a video and new media artist. Zhou explores identity, digital space, and cultural equality, addressing issues like identity recognition, displacement, and post-colonial gaps. Her works, with satirical wit and political insight, offer a futuristic view on cultural equality, reflecting extensive analysis. Her works have been showned in major art institutions and exhibitions globally, including O21 OSTRALE Biennale, Art Basel Hong Kong’s Film Program.

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