Infinite Nows


by Lilian Lopez (CH), Sonjoi Nielsen (CH), Yangzom Sharlhey (CH)
Personendepot is a social anti-social media platform. There are no likes, no comment sections, no beautifiers, no followers. Nonetheless, it is the most personal platform. It anonymously stores your private insights and makes them visible to the public. Personendepot empowers you to get closer to strangers by sharing unique glimpses into your private life. The participants themselves decide which personal stories are to be included in the Personendepot. The result is an extensive collection of personal stories that can be viewed publicly. This accessible and open approach enables a feeling of connection without actually being connected. Browsing through the collection inevitably leads to self-reflection and a sense of belonging. What would you share in an anonymous space? Show the aspects of your life that don’t fit into the regular social media world.
  • 8.—12. September


    LOOPS OF WISDOM Exhibitions

    COLOR-MOVEMENT-SOUND - Hauptplatz 6
    Crafting Futures Lab - Hauptplatz 8
    FLUT Freiluft, Hauptplatz 8, Hauptplatz 6
    Haptic Experience - Hauptplatz 6
    Infinite Nows - Splace am Hauptplatz
    Interface Cult - Hauptplatz 8
    Metamorphosis - Hauptplatz 6, Strafsachengalerie
    Play with Pixels - Hauptplatz 8
    Post-Covid Fictions - Hauptplatz
    Post-it to Post-it: 2020-2030
    Shaping the Future, Hauptplatz 6
    Time-based and Interactive Media Arts - Hauptplatz 6, Hauptplatz 8, Strafsachengalerie