Gallery Performances: Alejandro Quiñones Roa, Razieh Kooshki & Vahid Qaderi, Afra Sönmez & Nursinem Aslan
by Alejandro Quiñones Roa, Razieh Kooshki & Vahid Qaderi, Afra Sönmez & Nursinem Aslan

Cascada (Alejandro Quiñones Roa, (University of Art and Design Linz, AT)
In the live sound performance Cascada, found objects form nature are implemented. Workflow and sound flow are one.
Vivid Q (Razieh Kooshki, Vahid Quaderi, University of Art and Design Linz, AT)
In Vivid Q the artists remember, audio-visually re-create and share the many doubts, dreams, nightmares, sounds, illusions and memories that occured at (37°26’10.7″N 49°51’14.1″E).
Afra Sönmez & Nursinem Aslan (University of Art and Design Linz, AT)
A textile organism as an electronic instrument. Against the frustration of being stuck in one body, at one place, the electronic organism ONISMA is taking the audience on a journy to different places.
Tags: Performance