Feltre seeks to connect generations and enhance social interactions between the inhabitants of the district through a series of games painted on the ground, following Bruno Munari’s mantra: “Let’s make everybody play!”. It invites children, parents, couples, teens and elderly alike to engage in a playful experience. Additionally, the project proposes seating, a relaxing area, and a social area. In order to respond to the current situation caused by Covid-19, all the games and furnitures were redesigned to encourage social distancing, e.g. by implementing a pattern of squares and lines of one metre width.
Feltre was proposed to the “Piazze Aperte” initiative of the Municipality of Milan, an urban regeneration project based on the principles of Tactical Urbanism.
professors: Davide Fassi, Anna Meroni
tutors: Martina Mazzarello, Francesco Vergani
Living Streets Lab