Commissioned within the frame of the project “The Soundscape we live in”, an European Project organized in collaboration with GMVL, Tempo Reale, Amici della musica de Cagliari, AFEA and Ionian University. The main electronic realization was made in a residency at the Studios of Musiques & Recherches (Belgium, Brussels, Ohain). Selected as finalist work for the 10th biennal acousmatic composition competition Métamorphoses (Belgium) and Prix Russolo 2018 (France/Italy). This piece belongs to the cycle Fluxus, whose pieces are inspired by elements of physics and in which musical elements related to physical phenomena on fluid mechanics are developed. This particular piece is centered in ideas related to what I have called "aerial" soundscapes. The formal development is based on 3 pillars that were inspired Bernie Krause's concepts geophony, biophony, and anthropophony (géophonie, biophonie, anthropophonie). The sections are interconnected through specific spacial movements that show our hide their own paths, recognition of sound sources and other events in order to create moments that are more or less clear in the perception of themselves.